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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO   PLANTEL NEZAHUALCOYOTL DE LA ESCUELA PREPARATORIA   NOMBRE DE LA MATERIA:   INGLES 4   “AVANCE DEL PROYECTO INTEGRADOR DEL MODULO 1“   NOMBRE DEL PROFESOR:   L. R. E. I. Jorge Ismael Mercado Moreno    NOMBRE DE LOS ALUMNOS: (EQUIPO 8)   López Álvarez Leonel Perrusquia Pantaleón Juan Armando Rendón Esquivel Felipe de Jesús   GRUPO 13   Toluca, México, Septiembre de 2022

World Nature Organization (WNO)

World Nature Organization  (WNO) es una organización intergubernamental, muy joven (inicio sus operaciones en el 2012), que promueve la protección del medio ambiente. Principalmente se dedica promover nuevas tecnologías limpias, actividades económicas y energías renovables que son amigables con el entorno. Esta entidad es uno de los principales resultados de las negociaciones multilaterales de la ONU sobre el medio ambiente, básicamente su papel es convertir las declaraciones sobre protección de medio ambiente que surgen de la ONU en acciones realizables. Organization :  World Nature  Hello my name is Armando and I want to tell you about my experience visiting this organization when we arrived they gave us a room for each of us, then they gave us a tour of their facilities and showed us the different projects they want to start up and then  we carried out different activities. THE ACTIONS THAT I HAVE DONE ARE: • We made a prototype on a renewable energy and we explai...


WORLD NATURE ORGANIZATION  (WNO) The World Nature Organization (WNO) is dedicated to the protection of the environment at international level. Its main focus is on energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainable development and a sustainable energy supply. As a permanent platform, the WNO tries to build bridges between business interests as well as development and environmental protection while, at the same time, making the economic value of nature apparent. The initiative to found the World Nature Organization (WNO) dates back to the year 2010, to address the critical challenging of global threat to soil, oceans, forests, water and air. To face these global challenges, it has been deemed essential to involve all countries worldwide in the foundation of a World Nature Organization (WNO), which is the very first intergovernmental organization on a global scale dedicated to international environmental protection. The purpose of the WNO is to preserve nature and to prevent detrimen...
 Environmental management program  Instituto Nacional de salud Publica (INSP) Human health depends on a wide variety of factors, among which the environment is very important. According to some estimates, environmental factors are responsible for between 25 and 33 per cent of the overall burden of the disease, affecting primarily the population under five years of age. Although during the last decades Mexico has generated and received the benefits of an improvement in health conditions, many population groups are still facing risks of disease due to the lack of opportunities and services, which could be exacerbated by the increasing presence of chemicals in the environment. The environmental objective of the National Institute of Public Health is to demonstrate strong environmental performance by controlling the environmental impacts that its activities and services generate and in accordance with its environmental policy and objectives, create an Environmental Management Syst...