The World Nature Organization (WNO) is dedicated to the protection of the environment at international level. Its main focus is on energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainable development and a sustainable energy supply. As a permanent platform, the WNO tries to build bridges between business interests as well as development and environmental protection while, at the same time, making the economic value of nature apparent.

The initiative to found the World Nature Organization (WNO) dates back to the year 2010, to address the critical challenging of global threat to soil, oceans, forests, water and air. To face these global challenges, it has been deemed essential to involve all countries worldwide in the foundation of a World Nature Organization (WNO), which is the very first intergovernmental organization on a global scale dedicated to international environmental protection.

The purpose of the WNO is to preserve nature and to prevent detriment to, and destruction of, the natural conditions for existence of human beings, animals and plants, in the water, on land and in the air; guided by the wish that all human beings have secure access to natural resources, especially clean water and air.

So I traveled to Switzerland for 15 days to join this environmental organization and support it, I stayed at the hotel "ASTRO GENEVE".

I have been in Geneva for 10 days and I have already done many activities, the last five were:

  • Clean the streets
  • Collect garbage from the rhone river
  • Shange the public trash cans
  • Search for people to join the organization
  • Go to some talks to promote ideas of activities that we can carry out 
In the next 5 days we have organized to carry out three activities that would be:
  • A little campaign to clean the park  "l'Ariana"
  • Put modules to give information about the environmental organization
  • Give a conference on the purposes of this environmental organization


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World Nature Organization (WNO)